The Ten Commandments (of Cooking)

Wisdom is something one acquires, or is supposed to, as one ages. The Ten Commandments of Cooking is the culmination of that wisdom. It applies to everyday life and the culinary arts. Ideas, experiences and beliefs begin to coalesce and crystallize until one feels compelled to publish a manifesto, of sorts…

Strategic goals shape your long term experience, while tactical practices guide daily activities in the kitchen. Thought about in another way, the tactical plans will affect what you are cooking right now and help you be successful creating that special dish. The strategic objectives will help guide you to derive the maximum enjoyment from the process.

Practice these and you will enjoy cooking more than ever before!

The Ten Commandments (of cooking)

Strategic Commandments

  1. Challenge yourself
  2. Research and plan
  3. Ask for and accept advice
  4. Expand your palate
  5. Explore new ingredients
  6. Cook what makes you happy
  7. Share your knowledge and experience
  8. Simplicity is serenity
  9. Make new friends with food and drink
  10. Celebrate family every day with meals

Tactical Commandments

  1. Maintain a spotless kitchen
  2. Organize your kitchen
  3. Clean as you cook
  4. Keep sharp knives
  5. Understand your recipe
  6. Practice mis en place
  7. Use fresh ingredients
  8. Taste as you go
  9. Make the dish pretty
  10. Set a nice table

And just one more thing
Did you notice how I did that? Twenty beats ten every time.